Bourne Abbey Primary Acadamy PTFA have been organising the towns main fireworks display on the school sports field for decades, helping to raise much needed funds for the school.
In 2015 the PTFA invited Bourne Round Table to join them in organising the event which resulted in the road closure of Manning Road and Stanton Close. This enabled the event to grow and expand from the confines of the field. More fair rides and food stalls were added along with two larger entrance points to alleviate crowd congestion. The road closure also helped to reduce anti social parking.
Other additions to the event have been an earlier "low bang" fireworks display ideal for younger children, the Round Table event bar, a stage for musical acts to provide entertainment inbetween displays, a longer burning bonfire, a longer main fireworks display and both displays are set in time to musical themes. With crowd numbers now in excess of 3000 we can safely say that the event is now bigger and better than ever and a serious competitor to other popular fireworks events in the local area!